Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Community Bible Chuch hosts Coastal Home Educators Conference

Community Bible Church will host their annual home education conference this weekend.  This conference provides opportunities to learn about home education and receive encouragement and helps for continuing to minister to your family through home education. The information below is their announcement.  To learn more and register, please visit their website at http://schomeschoolconference.wordpress.com/

CHEC 2011 is June 9th, 10th and 11th.
On Thursday at 7 p.m. we offer the Intro to Homeschooling taught by Dr. Carl Broggi. The cost for this separate seminar is $5.00 per person to cover materials.
The cost for CHEC is $12.00. This includes Friday and Saturday, including the BOOK Blast Used Curriculum Sale, Vendors Hall and all workshops. Your spouse attends free of charge. Doors open at 9 a.m.
The deadline for receiving a CHEC Buck has passed.
  • All BOOK Blast sellers must be registered for the conference.

  • Our registration process does not support the Safari. Please register with Explorer, Chome or Firefox.

  • Click here to print out a registration and mail with a check made payable to Community Bible Church.

  • Our conference is child friendly and we welcome you to bring your little ones with you. We ask that you are considerate to the other attendees and keep them with you and well-behaved. There is no charge for anyone under 18. Childcare is available with advanced registration below. Childcare registration ends June 6th.

    From The Beacon: Summer reading kicks off at library

    Every summer libraries across the country offer exciting programs to encourage reading during the summer months.  The kick off for the Beaufort County public library system began yesterday, June 6.  Each library in our system offers the local community it serves special summer programs and activities that support the theme.  You can read more about this year's summer reading program for all ages, the themes, prizes and more in the article below.  Get ready for excitement, adventure, thrills and more from the books you will read this summer!

    The heat has arrived, school buses will soon be in storage and the beach is beckoning -- summer is almost here. That also means it's time for the annual Summer Reading Program at the Beaufort County public library system. We have been hard at work planning and preparing for this exciting annual event.

    According to the American Library Association, the annual Summer Reading Program began in the 1890s as a way to persuade school children to visit the library and develop lifelong reading habits. While it started as a way to promote literacy with children, the program has evolved over the past century into an enjoyable and worthwhile annual string of events in which all children, teens and adults can participate.

    Funded by Beaufort County, our Friends of the Library groups and our Public Library Foundation, the official Summer Reading Program begins June 13th and concludes July 23rd. There will be branch-specific prizes and countywide grand prizes. This year's overall Summer Reading theme is "Travel." So whether you have plans to escape to a faraway destination or stay here in the Lowcountry, the Beaufort County library branches will provide you and your family with plenty of materials to keep you busy -- regardless of your travel plans (or lack thereof).

    "One World, Many Stories" is the theme for children ages 4 to grade five, and "You Are Here" is the theme for teens (grades 6 to 12). Each participant signs an agreement to read (or have read to them) a minimum number of books. A visit to the library once a week will earn them a small prize. Once they fulfill their agreement, they earn a certificate, medal and a chance at winning one of our grand prizes.
    Children and teens can visit their branch library to register beginning Monday. Check with your local library's children's room for more information for both teen and children's Summer Reading programs.
    "Novel Destinations" is the travelworthy theme for adults ages 18 and older. Adults can read whatever they choose and submit reviews. Each review gets one entry into the prize pool, and names will go into prize drawings at the respective branches. Adults may submit their reviews beginning June 13 (there's no need to register). This year, reviews can be submitted online or to your branch's reference desk. Blank book review forms are located at all branches. There are no limits to how many reviews participants can submit. Reviews must have a minimum of 50 words in order to be eligible for prizes. If participants are feeling extra creative, they can submit their reviews in poetry form.
    Hours at our library branches in Hilton Head, Bluffton and Beaufort will be changing starting Monday, so check out our website or contact your local branch for more information on all of our upcoming events.