A pullet is a young hen that has not begun laying eggs. The pullet chain is a 4-H project that involves youth learning how to raise, baby chicks to the time they are ready to begin laying eggs. Our region sponsors an annual pullet chain project that offers youth throughout the area an opportunity to participate in the competition. The announcement for the 2012 Pullet Chain has been made and the project is open to 4-H and non 4-H members alike.
Two of our children have participated in this project and enjoyed it very much. They both started an egg selling business from the pullets they kept. They learned a great deal about chickens during the time of the project to include, chicken anatomy, chicken diseases, building a coop, preparing a brooder, providing a feeder and waterer for the chicks, buying feed and a few other details.
The Pullet Chain can serve as a great science project for homeschoolers, as well as a business venture.The cost of the project is small and this year you can choose the number of pullets and there are two breeds of chickens to select from. One "eggcelent" benefit of the project is the daily supply of eggs you can have and there will be plenty of fun watching the chicks play. Click on the link for the project to see all the details and decide if it is something you and your family are ready to tackle.